The Leading Relationship Program For Men by Sasha Fedorovsky

Men, save your marriage in 90-days or less.

Find out how you can create a lasting & satisfying relationship with your wife & get the respect, admiration & love you've been missing.



by Sasha Fedorovsky

Sasha Fedorovsky founder of the Mind Heart Method

Hi, I’m Sasha, men's relationship coach and creator of the Mind Heart Method. I've helped hundreds of men just like you transform their relationship with their wife from disconnected, on the brink of divorce to back in love & more connected than when they first met.

If you're in an unhappy marriage, facing the threat of divorce or no longer feel the appreciation, respect and loyalty you deserve, speak to me about how the Mind Heart Method can help you create the relationship dynamic you desire, do this by booking an Introductory Session.

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ready to create The satisfying relationship you both desire?

Lasting love and success without stress is available in your marriage when you understand your wife and how to lead her, creating an optimal relationship dynamic you both enjoy.

Relationships fail due to different stress coping mechanisms between men and women, by understanding and balancing these differences you can reignite the spark that's essential for a happy relationship.  

As a man, you're the natural leader in the relationship and have the power to positively transform your marriage without the need for couples therapy.

Discover how the Mind Heart Method can help you do this and save your marriage in 90-days or less when you book your Introductory Session with Sasha...

Happy couple by the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
Happy couple by the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
couple in love by the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
couple kissing by the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
romantic couple
the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
Couple in love by the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky
romantic couple


The Mind Heart Method

Helping men save their marriage

Based in science and psychology of men's health and the biology of attraction between men and women, the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky specialises in helping men create a lasting, healthy and lasting relationship. Results are guaranteed and transformation happens quickly. That way you don't need to spend years in therapy!

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Master Stress Management & Emotional Intelligence

Uncover the root cause of your relationship problems and learn tools to manage stress, effective communication and conflict resolution in a healthy and functional way, so that you can let go of your fears and move forward with confidence.

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Understand What Women Want

Understand the psychology of women and how it differs to men, including your woman's true communication and love style and how it fits with yours so that you can create polarity for connection, passion and life long love, without drama and confusion.

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Create Lasting Attraction & Chemistry

Let go of resentment and bring back the attraction and playfulness in your relationship so that it feels exciting, warm and ever evolving so your relationship is like a fine wine that gets better with time.

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Be The Leader She Chooses To Follow

Rebuild your relationship dynamic so that you're the leader she chooses to follow, creating security, so that it becomes your life long vehicle for love, growth and support. Giving you the freedom and confidence you crave so that you can go out into the world and fulfil your purpose and full potential.

Life's too short to live without the love & success you & your family deserve...

We believe that it’s just not ok, that you’ve put in so much time and energy focusing on being a good provider and supporting your family but now feel at a loss relating to your wife and wonder if it's even possible to save your marriage.

We know that at times it gets so painful you’ve even considered leaving, all because you weren't aware that with the right tools and support you have the power to turn your relationship around.

This is exactly what the Mind Heart Method is here to help you do, but only if you take action.

Book your Introductory Session with Sasha to find out how she's helped hundreds of men and can do the same for you... 

Save your marriage in 90-days

"When you work with me in the Mind Heart Method, you'll receive practical tools and strategies to manage relationship stress, understand women and gain the confidence to reclaim your natural leadership role to win back your wife's respect, desire, loyalty and love."

Sasha Fedorovsky

Men's Relationship Coach & Mind Heart Method Founder

Sasha Fedorovsky founder of the Mind Heart Method
the Mind Heart Method by Sasha Fedorovsky

Dean was highly stressed, running a business and separated from his wife after a turbulent 3 years with no intimacy in the relationship. He was on the brink of divorce, about to lose his wife, kids and everything they had built over 20 years together. Working with Sasha Dean was able to heavily reduce his stress, rooted in a volatile childhood that made him explosive at home and struggled to manage staff in his business. His mood changed and he was able to communicate effectively and compassionately with his wife without exploding. Dean is now back together with his wife, living in the family home and enjoying a loving, intimate relationship with her that they haven’t experienced since they first met. He’s able to manage his moods and communicate his feelings which has also greatly improved his relationships with his teenage kids, running the business and general health and wellbeing.

Dean, business owner

Find out how you can rebuild your relationship & create a lasting & satisfying marriage & get the respect, admiration & love you've been missing from your wife.

Book introductory session
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